Sunday, March 14, 2010

Can I start a peach tree from a fresh peach seed, if so, how do I do it?

We just transplanted one. Cracked th pit, planted it in a big peat pot, kept it sheltered in a starter bed till it was about a year old and transplanted it to the yard. Doing great.

Can I start a peach tree from a fresh peach seed, if so, how do I do it?
Yes you can but, why would you want to? Peach trees, as are most fruit trees, are grafted. That is they are grafted on to a root stock. This is for many reasons. One is that the root stock is particularly resistant to a particular disease or pest that the original root stock is vulnerable. Or two, they are grafted on to a particular root stock to control size. If you only want a peach tree to grow to 10 feet instead of normal 15 plus then you graft it on to a dwarf root stock. One big drawback for planting your own fruit tree from seed is the almost all fruit trees are a hybrid. That is they are a cross of at least two different varieties and the seed will only be true to one variety, not both. So the tree will be one generation back from the original tree and you will not know which of the two varieties it will be.
Reply:you need to dry the nut, then once its totally dry, crack it open with nutcrackers, take out the kernel, dry that...then place it in a dark container for a couple of weeks [ i put them in the fridge to simulate winter] , then soak it for a day, embed it in soil and let it sit in a warm dark area until shoots appear...transfer to sun and treat like any other plant
Reply:Don't think you can - I have tried apple pips, orange seeds and so on - it never worked. I can tell you what did work though - sunflower seeds (the ones you buy in the health shops and eat) yeh my little plant is growing. Also I have planted black peas in the past and have got a lovely bushy plant from them - good luck.


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