Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Any one know how to kill bowser at the end of Princess Peach?

Any one know how to kill Bowser at the end of princess peach. Its the one where all you see is his head and hands?

Any one know how to kill bowser at the end of Princess Peach?
The main thing to do here is to grab the little bomb creatures and throw them

up at Bowser's face. However, you need to time how you throw the bombs or it

won't hit Bowser correctly. You get the bombs when Bowser stomps his claws on

the ground. His attacks aren't overly dangerous, but take your time to defeat

him. Heal whenever you need to, and you should do fine.

However, once Bowser II gets low on HP, he'll start to heal himself.

Immediately use RAGE to burst his bubble and continue to throw the bombs at

him. He should be toast in no time.


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