Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Okay i am the guy who just asked about the wife with peach fuzz...?

you're all snappin at me...but you don't know the whole story.

i clearly wouldn't divorce her her for just a lil peach fuzz (im not a prick)....but my wife isn't the kind to go to a salon to wax it off. besides that, she recently was diagnosed with diabetes....and the last several months i have become very attracted to her sister anyways. so there are several reasons for wanting a divorce k???

Okay i am the guy who just asked about the wife with peach fuzz...?
Look, let me share what i think here...You STILL have not mentioned any GOOD reasons for a divorce...Being attracted to other women, first of all, is pretty natural for men. Resisting that temptation is part of the vows you took. also, you say she recently was diagnosed with Diabetes. Again, this is when your wife needs you the most. I can understand not wanting that kind of responsibility, but again, that's part of the vows. And lastly, the peach fuzz thing is hardly worth mentioning, EXCEPT that it reveals the fact that you are afraid your wife will let herself go in all areas, if she hasn't already done so. It just seems to me there are some deeper issues stirring around here, and it might be worthwhile to really examine what you're feeling.

I can see where you're coming from, But I think divorce is a hasty idea for you. As much as we don't like to admit, ANY relationship is hard work sometimes. This is one of those times. The trick is NOT to give up. If you do that, all you'll ever do is start over again and again, and mistake the lust for new people for the possible real connection you could keep with your wife.

You loved her enough to marry her, after all. Try to work it out and good luck.
Reply:but dat really doesnt matter who told u to marry her in da first place den???dat is juss gross dat u r now suddenly attracted to her sister dats her family u shuldnt be doin dat nd dat is ur own sister-n-law!!!
Reply:It sounds like you are looking for reasons to dump your wife.

"Let's see, if I come up with enough reasons then other people will give me permission. Let's see... Peach fuzz? Nope, not enough. Diabetes? Wanting to boinnk her sister? Oh and let's see...She rolls the toilet paper the wrong way? Is that enough?"

Let's face it. You don't love your wife anymore. You want out. So, leave. She deserves better than some jerk who wants to leave her because she has diabetes and some peach fuzz on her upper lip. I'm sure you're an Adonis yourself with no flaws, right? So go ahead and leave and find all those women who are dying to boink you.
Reply:You aren't even least according to your questions you have a want to know what it's like to be a eat poop....JUSTIN....If you are married....I hope to GOD you get a divorce...You are not mature enough to be married... Your wife deserves better... If you aren't then I am not worried about it...You won't be anytime soon. What you know about dat?? And yes you are a prick. :)
Reply:It sounds like you were in love to begin with. Just to let you would never work with you and her sister, for starters you would tear apart that family even if she did like you or consider anything with you. And you want a divorice because of some peach fuzz and you have become less attracted to her and more so to her sister. Are you in highschool. If she is not the type a girl to go to a salon and do all that beauty stuff, buy her a present for no reason. Get her a day at the spa and pay for a massage, facial, manicure, pedicure, and throw in a waxing. I'm pretty sure you said you would take her in sickness and in health. Notice how sickness is first. If you married this girl then you should be doing anything to help her out with diabetes. That is a horrible disease and you want to leave her because of that? That sounds like a "prick" move.
Reply:I'll remind of you something that you said when you were married.....

in sickness AND in health.

But you know what, leave her, because she deserves better than a low life like you.

My concern for your wife is that she possibly has undiagnosed PCOS. The facial hair and diabetes are both symptoms of the syndrome. She should get that checked out by her physician.

BTW, waxing HURTS!!!! Why don't you try to get your beard waxed off and see how much fun that is?????
Reply:The lady was just dianosed with diabetes and you are attracted to her sister...this sounds like drama..

So, what are the reasons for a divorce because you want our advice but you are not telling us anything..Just tell her that you want dirvoce and stop with the excuses!!!
Reply:okay i am her sister i am also telling you 2 leave her for me okay
Reply:still doesn't make you any better for what you doing! If you loved her and wanted to marry her then you can stick through the peach fuzz, the diabetes, and the freaking sister!!! its guys like you that give the other guys in this world a bad rep! If your not grown up enough to stay with someone then why put her through the heartache and go through the wedding??? sounds like to me she would be better off with out you!!! and yes my dear sweet CHILD you are a prick!!!
Reply:Oh please, nobody think is true what you are saying, ok? so start having fun with something else.
Reply:Her sister married? Run away from that situation as fast as you can. Ask your sisterinlaw how to combat the issue with your wife concerning the fuzz. To me when I or if I start getting it, I DON"T want it and wouldn't want my husband to feel uncomfortable about it either. I have already bought a thing that eliminates the hair in my nose when I found out my boyfriend whom is 57, he owns one for his ears and nose. Its neat. I even use it to get rid of a few stray hairs that show up around my nipples every now and then instead of shaving them off. Maybe theres something at the drug store for her. Diabetes, whats that got to do with anything? Are you saying her sex drive is disappearing? Thats what docters are for... Good Luck Dude..
Reply:then you must list those reasons and not just the incredibly shallow reason of "peach fuzz" It sounds to me like you can't handle pressure or hard times in a relationship and want an out.

As for being attracted to her sister...can't help you there...but maybe Jerry Springer can. bottom line, you shouldn't have gotten married. I'd get a divorce and hope your wife's divorce lawyer lets you walk away with ten dollars
Reply:You're definitely not a prick, man. You're just a sick old,cheap bastard who after ******* a woman, want to sleep with her sister too. I feel deeply sorry for you man... Justin is not the right name for you....

Go get some psychiatrist help
Reply:Yes but first give her the number of that little kid you kicked in the head so they can start a recovery group. :)
Reply:Get a divorce already...Stop telling us about it, and do it...I am sure not gonna judge you for that...Just, leave the family members alone...EWW!!!


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