Sunday, October 11, 2009

What will I do with the eggs of my peach face bird who recently died this morning?

I have two set of pairs peach face bird, and lutino...Since I am breeding them they are in the different cages though there cage is somewhat connected to each other. They lay eggs almost at the same time. Unfortunately this morning when I check the birds the other one died. What shall I do with the eggs? There is no incubator who can hatch the egg. Would it be possible that I can mix the eggs with the other who have recently hatch the egg. Tnxs for the information.

What will I do with the eggs of my peach face bird who recently died this morning?
Hey Sunlight

Too bad your love bird died.

The eggs could be transferred into the other box,where the new babies hatched.They will be going to waist,if not properly incubated .They will take 21 days until they hatch,this will be almost the time needed by your feeding parents to rear the existing babies.

To avoid the incident you just describe ,it is advisable to offer your breeders some form of a Calcium supplement in their diet,specially hens have a tendency of becoming egg bound

(that is when they can't pass the egg),and that is due to lack of Calcium in their diet.If your birds have access o direct sun light,they would be able to produce their own Calcium out of the green stuffs you give them,like kale,or collard greens,may be broccoli.....Remember,man should not live on bread alone,neither your birds on hard seed.

Wish you the best in the future.

The Canaryman
Reply:You should keep them warm until they hatch.

When they are hatched. Feed them the powder brought from stores. You have to mix it with warm water and it must be pasty. Slowly feed it to the bird.

Then you must put them in boxes with many newspaper shreads. Whe they wet it, change it.

You also must feed them water. If you really can't handle them, send them to the SPCA or a Pet store.
Reply:I don't know alot about birds so this is all just a guess. But it seems like it could work. I don't think it would hurt to give it a try.
Reply:get the barby on and frie those eggz

super nanny

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