Saturday, October 24, 2009

Does a peach tree have peaches every year?Mine since Katrina has not bloomed again?

I have trimmed it and watered it and it seems to stay a tree but with no peaches.

Does a peach tree have peaches every year?Mine since Katrina has not bloomed again?
It sounds as if your tree may have gone into a state of shock since Katrina. Its only been one growing season. I would give it up to 2 or 3 before you can expect it to produce fruit again.
Reply:Mine did till the year that it died from peach tree borer. Look for a hole with sap coming out to find if yours has a fatal problem.

If not it should go back to fruiting again. Did you see fat fruit buds? Did you have blossoms? Dd they stay or fall off?
Reply:If your peach tree is close to the shore and has been subjected to salt water, it may be having to deal with the effects of salt around the roots. I've seen peach trees that went through tornadoes in Texas bear fruit again the next year, but salt could be a major problem for a tree. Check with a local nursery or a county extension horticulturist to see what you can do about this, if anything, or if you will simply have to give it time to leech out of the soil. Good luck!
Reply:salt water will do a number on any kind of tree .

it takes a while for a tree to show singhs of stress from a storm or a drought it could take any wear form 2 -13 years when you prune a fruit bareing tree to produse fruit you need to "stress the tree " trees produse fruit when they think thay are going to die so prune it hard make some bigger cuts and next year you should have peachs
Reply:Some trauma will keep peach trees from bearing fruit for several years. Try batting the branches a bit with a padded stick in late winter before buds appear. Sounds strange, but sometimes this helps. I've grown peaches for years, and they can be temperamental trees.

Also, you may not be pruning aggressively enough. Cut out your non-bearing branches. Here's a good link.
Reply:You are probably lacking Bees. Take some water mixed well with sugar and put it in a spray bottle and douse your tree with that. This will attract more bees to your tree which should help get it properly polinated.
Reply:Usually. Mine since K appears to be 2/3 dead. I had planted it in about 1999 and it never has done that great. The salt water drained from my neighborhood pretty quickly, but my tree is still pretty stresses. I figure that since I want to plant a bunch of palm trees (which made it through K much better) that I will be getting rid of it soon. Michelle blog

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